What Happens To Potential?
Sadly, it is often wasted.
Potential is one of those things that expands with more and more use. The more you use your potential, the more you realise you can actually do.
And if you sit down and use non of it, you end up thinking you have no potential.
The beauty is, it starts with one small feat to the other then big things begin to happen.
Les Brown Once said making a million dollars was one of the easiest things he's ever done.
On the other side, one of the hardest things he's ever was believing he could make a million dollars.
Thats the root problem to realizing our potential.
Someway somehow, many of us have managed to convince ourselves. I use "convince ourselves" intentionally.
Yes, we have environmental pressure, societal programming and our own insecurities and those happen to play key roles. But we make the decision, we are responsible for believing in those scripts society has written for us. We are responsible for sitting down and letting others tell us what we are worth.
Yes, you are responsible and I'll tell you why.
Look, according to Stephen Covey, we have a circle of influence and a circle of concern. The circle of concern is the wider and bigger circle which contains the smaller circle of influence.
Even though we cannot control everything we are concerned about such as the weather, we can control what we do when it is raining. We don’t say because I didn’t plan for rain, I will keep walking in the rain when it starts falling. You’d find shelter quickly to keep dry and prevent getting cold by setting a fire.
It gets better, my Friend. It does. Simply believing this statement will change your life. I mean belief, not rationalising the statement, but genuine belief that this world can and will provide you the tools, resources and opportunities to realise your potential.
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. "
- Henry Ford
Now back to my question, what happens to potential?
Got any cues or hints?
Potential could be wasted or realized. These are the only 2 outcomes you can have. Nothing more. Thinking won't bring your dream to reality even though it'll help you do a good job.
What happens to Potential is what you choose to do with it, waste it or realize it. That is what happens to Potential.
Sadly, it is often wasted. The cemetries tell the stories of un-lived Potential.
#MindRules ✌🏾